Site Map


<% hasended = false for gi = 1 to 20 if linkgroup(gi) <> "" then if linkgroup(gi+1) <> "" then %> <% else %> <% hasended = true end if for li = 1 to 20 if linkurls(gi, li) <> "" then if linkurls(gi, li+1) <> "" then %> <% else %> <% end if for si = 1 to 20 if subsurls(gi, li, si) <> "" then if subsurls(gi, li, si+1) <> "" then %> <% else %> <% end if end if next end if next if NOT (hasended) then %><% end if end if next %>
 <%=linkhead(gi) %>
 <%=linkhead(gi) %>
<% if NOT (hasended) then response.write ("") %>  <%=linklink (gi, li) %>
<% if NOT (hasended) then response.write ("") %>  <%=linklink (gi, li) %>
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<% if NOT (hasended) then response.write ("") %><% if NOT (hasended) then response.write ("") %>  <%=subslink (gi, li, si) %>
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Retail Scorecard